Breaking Change T1248240
Visible to All Users

DevExpress.XtraEditors.KeyboardNavigationExtensions.None value's behavior is changed

What Changed

We changed the behavior of the KeyboardNavigationExtensions.None value. This change allows this value to revert keyboard navigation in Ribbon and Bars to the previous version (see BarEditItems in Ribbon Control Now Retain Focus During Keyboard Navigation).

Reasons for Change

With this change, you can enable/disable the updated keyboard navigation mechanism in Ribbon and Bars. The updated navigation mechanism includes the following changes (for Accessibility/A11Y compliance purposes):

  • The contrast frame highlights the selected control.
  • When you focus BarEditItem, the focus steps into the editor.

Impact on Existing Apps

This change affects your application if you manually set the KeyboardNavigationExtensions to None. In this case, the updated keyboard navigation mechanism is not in effect.

How to Revert to Previous Behavior

The example below demonstrates how to revert to previous behavior:

WindowsFormsSettings.KeyboardNavigationExtensions = KeyboardNavigationExtensions.Default;

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