Ticket T1176749
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Chart - The bar is not rendered if the value is 0 (or near 0)

Chart Tooltip is returning error when data is near 0

created 2 years ago

I updated to Angular 16 and installed latest version for devextreme and notices that my charts tooltips are not returning data that is 0/null/not reflected on the chart.

This behavior was not happening before and I decided to tested on your demo app.

Is not working either on your platform, I'm attaching a gift showing you on your demos the error.

It was replicated on the demo https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/Charts/Overview/Angular/Light/

I added one extra data on the service:

  • Set it to 3, the tooltip shows fine.
  • Set it to 2 to 0, the tooltip give error.

I expect the tooltip to show in all cases and not give an error, even when the data is not in the chart

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 2 years ago


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I created a bug report: T1176892: Chart - If the value is 0 (or near 0) bar does is not rendered. You will be notified once we have updates.

As a workaround, set minBarSize to 1 to force-render a bar with low values. I created a CodeSandBox sample to demonstrate the approach.


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