Ticket T1171312
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How to specify which Connection Provider an application should use when creating a MySqlConnection manually

created 2 years ago (modified 2 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM K18098: How to create a custom XPO connection provider and then use it in an XAF application]

How should I tell XAF/XPO to use my connection provider if I set the connection using WinApplication's designer (dragging MySqlConnection from Toolbox) and not in App.config?
I cannot specify the XpoProvider there.
Thank you.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Ivan,

In this case, create an instance of your custom Connection Provider in code using its constructor. To do this in XAF, create a class that implements the IXpoDataStoreProvider interface and pass it to your application's Object Space Provider. Please refer to the following article for additional information: How to customize the underlying database provider options and data access behavior in XAF.

    Comments (1)

      Thank you, Anatol.

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