Ticket T1158597
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Masks - How to bind mask expressions and types to controls

created 2 years ago (modified 2 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T954426: Input Masks in Editors - WinForms Cheat Sheet]

Can I confirm the following and also wonder whether there is a plan to bring any of it back?:

We can no longer bind mask expressions and types to controls

Comments (2)
Sasha (DevExpress Support) 2 years ago

    Hello Simon,

    I am afraid the issue and your usage scenario are not entirely clear. Would you please describe them in greater detail or share a small sample project that illustrates what you mean? This information will help us precisely address your inquiry.

    S S
    Simon 'Skip' Gardiner 2 years ago


      I have a customer form. Name / Country Code / Phone

      I have a table of countries. Code / Name / PhoneRegex / PhoneMaskType

      Say there is a country lookup edit that changes Customer.CountryCode using a countrybindingsource BindingSource where the Datasource to the country table.

      because the country bindingsource selected row changes, I used to be able to bind the mask expression to countrybindingsource.PhoneRegex and the MaskType to countrybindingsource.PhoneMaskType.

      Will this ever be possible again?

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 2 years ago

      Hi Simon,

      Thank you for the clarification. Our editor mask API was not designed to allow binding mask-related properties to a data source in such a way. I recommend you handle the editor's EditValueChanged event and update mask settings in code - this solution is functionally identical but is much more reliable.

      Please let me know if you have additional questions.

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