Breaking Change T1080871
Visible to All Users

DevExpress Blazor components no longer support .NET 5.0

What Changed

In v22.1 and higher, DevExpress Blazor components require .NET 6.0 and no longer support .NET 5.0.

Reasons for Change

Microsoft ended support for .NET 5.0 on May 5, 2022. Microsoft will no longer provide fixes, updates, or online technical assistance for .NET 5.0, and developers are advised to migrate to .NET 6.0.

In v22.1, we use new .NET 6.0 features such as custom elements and custom event argument support to improve quality of our components.

How to Update Existing Apps

If your Blazor projects target .NET 5.0, update them to .NET 6.0. For more information, refer to the following topic: Breaking changes in .NET 6.

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