Hello Devexpress
How i can Add image Into Win Xplore View From Path
How to add an image to WinExplorer View
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
The WinExplorer View displays an image from the column assigned to the WinExplorerView.ColumnSet.ExtraLargeImageColumn property. So, you need to assign a grid column to this property explicitly. See the attachment.
Please review the Column Set section of the WinExplorer View help topic for more details.
Indeed, I have the same issue on my side when trying to load PNG of 3Mb size for each item. However, the problem disappears if I use the approach with caching described in my previous post. Did you try it?
If it doesn't help, I suggest you review our two examples illustrating how to load images asynchronously into bound or unbound columns:
1) How to load images into grid asynchronously without using an unbound column2) How to load data in an unbound column asynchronouslyI have to add a remark for the first example. There is a PictureObject class that incapsulates images. You need to use this type for the property where you want to have an image. If it is impossible in your case, use the second approach.
I hope this helps.
Hello Andrew
I try To Use Your Tow Example But I still Get Problem
I think If I Can use Some Things like Threading To process The WinExplorerView1.CustomUnboundColumnData Event
my be This Solved Out Of Memory Error When I try to load images have big size
Thanks ,
I've modified our project to introduce async image loading as described in the How to load data in an unbound column asynchronously example (see the attachment). It works fine on my side even if I scroll very fast. Please test it and share your result with us.
Please Help me I Found Example To add Row to Grid View but when i try to use it in Win Xplore View i cant set
ColumnSet .ExtraLargeImageColumn to read image from my picture path
please look to my example