Ticket T1002457
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Dynamic Database Name XAF Blazor

created 4 years ago


We are currently developing a xaf blazor multi tenant application following the example you have provided().

The database name seems to be hard coded and would want to find out if you can at lease provide a similar example where the databases are derived from another table or a function. This will be helpful and close to a real life scenario enough. We have wasted over a week trying to do this but it isn't working.

Please treat this as urgent as we are currently behind schedule in our project due to the above.

Kind regards.


created 4 years ago (modified 4 years ago)


As a customer/xaf user maybe we can describe what we did here and we hope it helps.
First we created a addition xaf app called (MasterAdminXXX). In this app we have the following structure :

BO of MasterAdminXXX :

  • Tenant (name + connectionstring + XpCollection of Tenant Access + XpCollection of API access)
  • Access (Name + username --> email address in our case)
  • Tenant Access ( Tenant + Access + additional info proper to our env.)
  • Tenant Api access ( Name + API RSA token)

in Xaf app there is no connectionstring to the XAF db as we defined it on the fly. We manage to find the right CS based on the login so on the OnLoggingOn (DX example). For this we connect to the XAF app and request the CS by the tenantaccess:

protected override void OnLoggingOn(LogonEventArgs args) { base.OnLoggingOn(args); try { IConfiguration configuration = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>(); var adminCS = configuration.GetConnectionString("AdminConnectionString"); var AdminDal = XpoDefault.GetDataLayer(adminCS, DevExpress.Xpo.DB.AutoCreateOption.None); using (var baUow = new UnitOfWork(AdminDal)) { var username = ((AuthenticationStandardLogonParameters)args.LogonParameters).UserName; XAFAdminApp.Module.BO.TenantAccess tenantAccess = baUow.Query<XAFAdminApp.Module.BO.TenantAccess>() .Where(ta => ta.Access.UserAccess == username) .First(); if (tenantAccess != null) { ((XPObjectSpaceProvider)ObjectSpaceProviders[0]).SetDataStoreProvider(GetDataStoreProvider(tenantAccess.Tenant.ConnectionString, null)); } } } catch { throw new UserFriendlyException($"Unknown user name or password. Please check the data entered or call technical support."); } }

Then in the user table in the XAF app via controller we sync when a user is create and delete with MasterAdminXXX via the ObjectSpace_Committing + ObjectSpace_ObjectDeleting.

Please take it as and idea and not a solution.


    Show previous comments (7)

      Thanks Isa_Tahiri.

      The scope have changed slightly. We have an admin xaf application that determines the databases that are linked to a specific user. Upon a successful login, we query the admin application to determine if the user is linked to multiple databases. if the User is linked to multiple databases, then we need to present a list for him or her to select a db before the main form opens. If it happens that the user is linked to only one db, then there will be no need to select the database.

      Thanks so much for your response.

      Kind regards.


        As said, not yet finished.
        The easy way would be the authentication detailview with the dropdown editor listing dbs and having some conditional appearance and filling dynamically.

        Conditional appearance : Hide If more that one record.
        Filling dynamically : see https://docs.devexpress.com/eXpressAppFramework/112681/filtering/in-list-view/how-to-implement-cascading-filtering-for-lookup-list-views#4

        The convenient idea would be Wizard --> See https://github.com/eXpandFramework/Reactive.XAF/tree/master/src/Modules/ViewWizard

        I let DX team support u if it's urgent case in ticket T1030070.


          Thank you very much Isa, I will explore your suggestion.

          Kind regards.

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