Ticket S35190
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ASPxFilterControl - Provide a tree-like field pickeer to be able to created criteria based on collection and nested properties of object references

created 15 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

UPDATED by Dmitry O. (DevExpress)
With the XAF 16.2 we have enabled hierarchical filter tree support by default in new XAF ASP.NET applications. To enable this feature in existing applications (created with older versions of the Solution Wizard) for the ASPxCriteriaPropertyEditor and ASPxPopupCriteriaPropertyEditor use the AllowFilterControlHierarchy property (described at the Criteria Properties topic).  You can also use a similar option of the ASPxGridListEditor to adjust the behavior of the grid's filter control:
It should be possible to use collection properties and complex reference paths like Manager.Position.Title while creating criteria visually. Refer to the attached WinForms screenshot for more details on what it could look like in the UI.

See Also:
ASPxFilterControl - Allow construct rules [Column1] [operation] [Column2] like in WinForms
ASPxFilterControl - Support predefined operations for date columns like in WinForms
ASPxFilterControl - Add the Text tab to allow creating criteria of any complexity

Show previous comments (13)

    I have the same request!!!

      I agree with the above comments. This is a much desired and needed improvement.

      Svetlana Nikulina (DevExpress) 9 years ago

        Please take note of a similar functionality implemented in version 15.2 in the context of the following feature: ASPxFilterControl - Provide a tree-like (hierarchical) data field picker which allows selecting nested properties of complex type columns

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