Ticket S30657
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How do I open a separate DetailView from a nested ListView with MasterDetailMode set to ListViewAndDetailView?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 16 years ago (modified 6 years ago)

Hi Jascha,

To open the selected object's DetailView in a separate window in this scenario, override the XafApplication.ShowDetailViewFrom method in the WinApplication.cs file and return True for the required View. For example:

namespace MainDemo.Win { public partial class MainDemoWinApplication : WinApplication { public override bool ShowDetailViewFrom(Frame sourceFrame) { if (sourceFrame != null && sourceFrame.View is ListView) { if (sourceFrame.View.Id == "Master_Details_ListView") { return true; } } return base.ShowDetailViewFrom(sourceFrame); }

If you prefer to do this in a controller, use the following code:

using System; using DevExpress.ExpressApp; public class EnableOpenDetailViewFromNestedListViewInDualModeViewController : DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule.ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController { protected override void ProcessCurrentObject(SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e) { if (View.Id == "Contact_Tasks_ListView") { ShowObject(((ListView)View).CurrentObject, e.ShowViewParameters, Application, Frame, View); } else { base.ProcessCurrentObject(e); } } }

Does this solution meet your needs?

See Also:
How to skip opening a new window for a created object when MasterDetaiMode = ListViewAndDetailView for a root ListView

#open detail view from nested, open detailview from nested, show detail view from nested, show detailview from nested ListViewAndDetailView detailview edit

    Comments (1)

      Hi Dennis,
      Just to let you know that I based a working solution on your workaround. FYI I did have to create and open the detail view via explicit code (and not via action.DoExecute) to prevent the view opening in the same object space but other than that it works well. Also, View.ProcessSelectedItem doesn't compile ;-)
      Many thanks,

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