Hi Jascha,
To open the selected object's DetailView in a separate window in this scenario, override the XafApplication.ShowDetailViewFrom method in the WinApplication.cs file and return True for the required View. For example:
C#namespace MainDemo.Win {
public partial class MainDemoWinApplication : WinApplication {
public override bool ShowDetailViewFrom(Frame sourceFrame) {
if (sourceFrame != null && sourceFrame.View is ListView) {
if (sourceFrame.View.Id == "Master_Details_ListView") {
return true;
return base.ShowDetailViewFrom(sourceFrame);
If you prefer to do this in a controller, use the following code:
C#using System;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
public class EnableOpenDetailViewFromNestedListViewInDualModeViewController : DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule.ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController {
protected override void ProcessCurrentObject(SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e) {
if (View.Id == "Contact_Tasks_ListView") {
ShowObject(((ListView)View).CurrentObject, e.ShowViewParameters, Application, Frame, View);
} else {
Does this solution meet your needs?
#open detail view from nested, open detailview from nested, show detail view from nested, show detailview from nested ListViewAndDetailView detailview edit