Ticket S19992
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Grid List Editors - Support a banded view and make it easier to use other grid view types

created 17 years ago
Comments (1)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 15 years ago

    Please check the Banded Grid Editor does not consider DisplayFormat issue for an example of a custom BandedGridListEditor. Hopefully, this will be helpful to you.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 10 years ago (modified 6 years ago)

    We have implemented the functionality described in this ticket. It will be included in our next update(s).

    Please check back and leave a comment to this response to let us know whether or not this solution addresses your concerns.

    Additional information:

    ListView Bands can now be enabled for both WinForms and ASP.NET applications. Band layout can be configured using the Model Editor.

    We have also refactored the GridListEditor class to simplify the use of other view types (see S134808).

    Blog:  Bands Support in Grid List Editors for WinForms and ASP.NET
    Video:  DevExpress XAF: Bands in Grid List View
    Documentation:  List View Bands Layout | How to: Configure Bands in a Grid List Editor (WinForms and ASP.NET)

    Update for LayoutView and CardView:
    You can find possible solutions in the How to enable card or layout view mode instead of a regular data grid in ListView article.

      Show previous comments (5)
      DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

          I hope I've not overlooked it but are there plans to support advanced banding on the XAF web application side?  I've seen several alternative solutions recommended in other tickets but out of the box support seems to be missing.  Quoted from the documentation, "now let us try the extra configuration options available for WinForms only ".  The web environment provides so many benefits with regard to update and maintenance that we're really leaning toward that environment for all our current and future XAF development.  Having equivalent functionality would be a huge benefit.

          DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

            @Will: The Data Cell Bands feature of the ASPxGridView control isn't currently supported in XAF at the list editor and application model levels. We will take your suggestion into account for the future.
            Currently, you can implement a layout using Data Cell Bands as described in the T577014 - ASPxGridListEditor - RowIndex in BandsLayout or adding multi-level columns in an ASP.NET ListView ticket.

            created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

            The new XVideoRental demo contains a working implementation for AdvBandedGridView and LayoutView. The files can be found in Common.Win project.

              Other Answers

              created 17 years ago

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