Ticket S170961
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Core - How to display an unsaved / new object in an existing DetailView

created 12 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

Typical scenarios include setting a new object to the embedded DetailView of a DashboardViewItem or ListView in ListViewAndDetailView mode.

Currently, you can accomplish this task by handling the XafApplication.DetailViewCreating event and recreating the whole DetailView by calling the CreateDetailView method and passing the new object as a parameter:

void Application_DetailViewCreating(object sender, DetailViewCreatingEventArgs args) { if(args.ViewID == "YourDetailViewInDashboard") { IObjectSpace os = Application.CreateObjectSpace(); //Dennis: A separate ObjectSpace is created for each root embedded View within the DashboardView. YourObjectType theObject = os.CreateObject<YourObjectType>(); theObject.Name = "test"; args.View = Application.CreateDetailView(os, theObject); args.View.ViewEditMode = ViewEditMode.Edit; Application.DetailViewCreating -= Application_DetailViewCreating; } }
Comments (2)

    I can't see the original question, it's been marked as private, so I don't know if a temporary work-around was provided. If there was a work-around, can you please make it public?

      As far as I know, there is no workaround and the state of the issue is still unchanged.

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