Ticket S130188
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Persistent.BaseImpl - Remove the Delete action from the nested Role ListView of the root User DetailView

created 16 years ago

I am suggesting that you remove the delete button from the nested roles list view on the user detail view since it is easy for someone to delete a role and the effect of that would presumably be quite disasterous. See attachment to see what I am referring to.
More generally, it might be a good idea to remove this button from all non-aggregated nested list views to avoid this danger since there should always be a root (or alternative master) list view for such entities since they may not have a parent / owner and could be orphaned otherwise.

Comments (2)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 16 years ago

    Hi Jascha,
    Thanks for the suggestion. We will discuss this tweak with the Team and will let you know our decision soon. I almost agree with you that removing this button would make sense here, but I am not sure that a user will not have the same chance to delete a role from the root Role list view.
    Moreover, before deleting the role, XAF will prompt to confirm the deletion, so a chance to delete something accidentally will be considerably less.
    For now, as a workaround, you can use easily an approach described in the How to remove or hide (deactivate, disable) a button ( Action ) from tool bar KB Article.

      Hi Dennis,
      Clearly the user can delete such data from a root list view but in that case, they are far more likely to be aware of what they are doing. On a non-aggregate nested list view, it is very easy for the user to inadvertently delete instead of unlink since the buttons are right next to eachother, look quite alike and the actions they performing are conceptually similar to your average user. The reason I suggested this is that while I had one of my (reasonalby technical) clients on the phone, they wanted to remove a role from a user and their first instinct was to press the delete button. Fortunately when they said "press the red cross" I was there to stop them. In their mind, that meant that they were deleting it from the list of roles that the user is a assigned to. The fact that they would get a message would not stop them in most cases since they are thinking delete (from the list) when they press it. Put it another way, what is the real terms value of being able to delete a non-aggregate child from a nested list view? My guess is that this is actually a rare action to want to perform and the downside of mistaken permanent deletion far outweighs the slight ease of use benefit is almost all cases.
      Your call but, if you leave it as it is, I bet this is not the last time this issue is raised. And next time it may be after the event!

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