I have to create numerous repository items to pair with custom grid columns so that a user can specify EditFormat properties to each column since the XtraGrid doesn't have this capability. I can't use one RepositoryItem for all of the same type custom columns as if they change the EditFormat in one repositoryItem then it applies to all columns that have this repository item assigned. So I create my repository items dynamically but they are not serialized with the GridView.SaveLayout so I need to serialize them myself so the user's settings can be restored.
Proposed Solution:
Please add a system so that I can create Repository Items at runtime and then persist this information (serialize) so that I can recall it (deserialize) later and apply it to the grid control.
Thank you.
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Hello Neal,
Thank you for the suggestion. However, we are not planning to introduce this functionality in the near future, because in our opinion it will only be used in rare cases. Usually, the end user doesn't have the ability to create and assign different editor types to specific columns at runtime. If you provide the capability to specify an edit-mask, it would be a much better solution to serialize only these mask strings instead. This can be done easily using a standard XMLSerializer class. If you need, I can prepare a sample project demonstrating this approach.
Thanks Stan. Sure, I'd love to take you up on your offer for a sample. I guess we need to serialize the format type properties, i.e. display format, edit format, edit mask, etc. so that a user's display and edit properties remain consistent and are persisted and restored for each column.
Thank you.
Hello Neal,
You are quite right, you should serialize/deserialize those properties you are allowing to change to the end-user. Basically you will need to create a simple object that will store these property values. A sample code can be found in the How the splitter's position can be saved on exit and restored when the application is launched next time article.
Please let me know if you still need a sample project.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.