Ticket Q98804
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Validation - Check validation rules when input focus changes

validate on control lost focus

created 17 years ago

I would like to perform contextual validation in a custom context. Specifically when the user moves focus from a control (check that bound properties rules and show an error if any of them are violated).
I reviewed the documentation on contextual validation, but after reading it, it is not clear to me how I would go about this task.
Is there an example that I can look at?

Show previous comments (5)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 17 years ago

    Hi Mark,
    Thank you for the feedback.
    Please check the following issues in our Support Center, for samples illustrating how to accomplish your task:
    ID Q96517 (property editor control doesn't show error provider icon
    ID Q90810 (Where or How to Validate Custom Logon Parameters
    Please let me know if this makes sense.

    MK MK
    Mark Krasnohorsky 17 years ago

      Hi Dennis,
      Thank you for the information. Now I get it.

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 17 years ago

        You are welcome, Mark!

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