I searched for posts or articles on this and could not find anything. I would assume it is possible to include pre-existing XtraReport-based reports within xaf, and wondered if you could provide an example on how to do this. I ask mainly due to xaf's more limited approach as it currently stands of limiting data sources to strictly business objects within its' framework.
I need to integrate previously designed reports that are so layout-based that i don't want to try and recreate them (these are those reports that have to hit pre-printed form's boxes (taxes forms etc)…
thanks, drew…
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Hi Drew,
Thank you for the question.
If I understand your task, the work with "pre-existing XtraReport-based reports" in XAF is no different from a regular windows forms application. To accomplish this, it is enough to add a controller and put the following code in the action's Execute event handler:
public partial class ViewController1 : ViewController { //... private void simpleAction1_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e) { XtraReport1 report = new XtraReport1(); report.DataSource = new XPCollection<DomainObject1>(ObjectSpace.Session); report.ShowPreviewDialog(); } }
My sample project is attached.
Note also that you can't use these reports in such a way as you can do with native XAF reports (I mean all features related to them, like special controllers, using parameters objects, XAF designer, etc.).
Please let me know if it helps you.