Ticket Q588496
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after upgrade to 13.2.9 - XPO Save error : Invoke validation method 'ValidateAssociation' failed due to a null reference being accessed

created 11 years ago


i have an old xaf project that i upgraded to 13.2.9
in this project, i have 2 datamodel wizard.

one of it is: "ORMDataModelDPKG.xpo"
in previous version (13.2.6 if im not mistaken), it work fine.

after upgrade, i still can build the project fine, no problem, i can run the application also, no error.
But when i open this "ORMDataModelDPKG.xpo" file, and try to edit it (add new xpobject or field), then try to save, it show error
"Invoke validation method 'ValidateAssociation' failed due to a null reference being accessed."

when i removed all the association, i can save the.xpo. but again, when i try to add new association, the visual studio will crashed. (vs studio 2010 SP1).

attached is a sample project that i created for you (the original project is too big, in this sample project, the same error happen also).

in other .xpo file, this problem doesn't exists, i can edit .xpo file fine no problem. so as my other project, i dont have this problem in my other xaf project

Comments (1)

    i think i solved this problem.
    i created a new .xpo file (with the same name).
    then i copied xml code from the old/broken file (except the first 2 lines) to the new .xpo file.
    i did the same for .xpo.diagram (i copied xml code).
    then i replace the old file with the new one, and it work fine now.


    created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

    solved (see comment above) :)

      Show previous comments (1)

        Hi Alexey !
        We got the same problem too. Any DevExpress suggestion ?
        At this moment we try this wotkaround that Rahman wrote above.
        Thanks fro the help,

        DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

          Hello Zoltan,
          We are still researching this issue. We will let you know about our result as soon as possible.

          DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

            We have found the cause of this behavior. I have created a separate bug report for this issue. Please refer to the Invoke validation method 'ValidateAssociation' failed after updating from 12.2 thread.

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