Hello Support,
I have implemented docking behavior like your floating windows example. I have several "windows" (FloatGroup.LayoutPanel) that will be selectable by the user. I am unsure how to add window animation on for the open and close behaviors. I have looked at the documentation for WindowAnimationType and cannot seem to figure out how to apply the desired effect.
Follow on questions. At least 1 competitor talks about their components being "blendable". The Storyboard and animation you provided on the opacity property is a first step. Can complex animations be applied to DevExpress components? Can these animations be developed using Blend on the DevExpress components?
Hello Bryce,
You can apply an arbitrary animation to our components. There are no special restrictions. We have an example that demonstrates how to add sliding animation: E4192: How to animate DocumentPanels in DockLayoutManager when DocumentGroup's MDIStyle is set to MDI.
As for creating animation in Blend, we don't fully support Blend. However, you can edit specific templates in Blend as descried in the "Blend Integration" help topic.