Ticket Q587316
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Can I expect Sparklines to be more performant that Charts?

created 11 years ago

We are currently displaying Charts within a grid control. I noticed in the release notes info about sparklines. If I replace my charts with sparklines can I reasonably expect that it will be more performant? I won't undertake the development effort if the answer is "no".

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

Hello Ben,
Yes, the SparklineEdit control is lighter and faster than the ChartControl control. Therefore, in a common case there will be a performance increase when using the SparklineEdit control instead of the ChartControl control.
If you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact us.

    Comments (2)

      As promised, we did experience a performance increase.

      Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 11 years ago

        I am happy to hear that. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us.


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