Ticket Q586607
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ASPxDataView - Change Theme at runtime of Template Control

created 11 years ago

I have this scenario:

<dx:aspxdataview ID="ASPxDataViewHeadline" runat="server" RowPerPage="1" Layout="Flow" OnLoad="ASPxDataViewHeadline_Load" Width="100%"> <SettingsFlowLayout ItemsPerPage="3"></SettingsFlowLayout> <settingstablelayout rowsperpage="1" /> <PagerSettings Position="Bottom" /> <ItemTemplate> <dx:ASPxHeadline ID="ASPxHeadline" runat="server" ContentText='<%# GetContentText(Eval("FullText")) %>' Date='<%# Eval("StartDateUtc") %>' HeaderText='<%# Eval("Title") %>' TailText="<%# GetTailText() %>" EnableViewState="False" EncodeHtml="False" NavigateUrl='<%# GetNavigateUrl(Eval("Alias")) %>' Image-Url='<%# GetContentImage(Eval("ImageGallery")) %>' Image-Height="100px" Image-Width="100px"> </dx:ASPxHeadline> </ItemTemplate> </dx:aspxdataview>

I usually change them property at runtime. I need to change the same theme to both ASPxDataView and ASPxHeadline, but the latter is inside the former Template.
How can I change the templated control theme at runtime?
Thank you

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)


According to the ASP.NET life cycle, a theme should be changed during the Page_PreInit event.
So, I suggest that you change the page or global ASPxWebControl theme in order to apply its appearance for all nested controls using the standard practices. Please take a look at the E1342 - How to change themes on-the-fly (ASP.NET theming approach) and E5016 - How to switch themes on a Master page at runtime (DevExpress theming approach) examples to see this approach in action.

    Comments (2)

      Hello, Mike,
      yes, it's exactly what I do: I change the theme in the Pre_Init event. But I cannot find the Templated control at that stage, I mean the function "this.ASPxDataViewHeadline.FindItemControl" return null.
      Thank you

      Alessandro (DevExpress Support) 11 years ago

        This behavior is expected. At the Pre_Init stage, templates are not yet created. Nevertheless, by using the suggested approach you do not need to obtain a reference to the templated control. The theme you specified will be applied automatically.

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