Ticket Q585215
Visible to All Users

Silverlight Support/Integration Visual Studio 2013 Build v2012 1.12

created 11 years ago

I am having trouble getting the Silverlight controls to show up in the toolbox .
All/any DevExpress references dealing with Silverlight are not displayed in the references window when trying to add a reference.
When creating a new project, the Project Templates for the DevExpress items are not showing up. (that includes all templates not just silverlight)
The DevExpress menu item in Visual Studio is not showing up.
Code Rush is also failing to function properly.

In Visual Studio 2010 it's working fine.(It is on a difference OS as well)

Does this build support Silverlight in VS 2013? The ASPx items are working.



Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

Hello Brian,
Version v12.1 does not support Visual Studio 2013 as it was released earlier than the IDE. A similar issue has already been discussed in the following ticket: Q535154: VS (Visual Studio) 2013 version 12.1 and 13.1.8. Let me know if you need further assistance.

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