I have a strange behaviour of a DBTableView with Previw section.
Some times it doesn't show all the rows, seems it doesn't calculate a correct rows to visualize with a particular width of the table, in particular miss the last row!
In the two screenshots you could see the difference. In the second one, I have only reduce the width (of the table ) of tree pixels and so, it is possible see the last row!
PS: I have not been able to reproduce the problem with a simple project
I suggest that you check the <View>.Preview.MaxLineCount property value. If it does not help, please provide us with a small sample project demonstrating the problem. You can execute the following steps to isolate it. Please reset all event handlers in your application. If the problem is gone, set them back one by one, and see when the problem returns. If this does not help you, try to remove all controls one by one, and test your sample at each step, until the problem is gone. As a result, you will have a small sample, illustrating the problem.
MaxLineCount is set to 100!; I haven't event handlers on the grid (and view), I try to reproduce it but it doesn't seem sample
I have biuld a simple example (with a simple firebird db).
Thank you very much for your demo.