I have an ASPxSpinEdit in a ASPxGridView. The ASPxSpinEdit has MinValue of 0 and MaxValue of 10. And the number can have two decimals.
I have noted that if the user puts for example 100 the control put 10 and if the user puts -1 the control put 0.
I want to quit this behavior and if the user puts a wrong value I want to show an error with a red line under the editing row as DevExpress shows when there is an error and also I want to set the ASPxSpinEdit empty and prevent editing row.
I have set the validation expression to the ASPxSpin edit to this one "10|[0-9]{1}((,|.)[0-9]{1,2})? " and I'm performing the ASPxClientEdit.ValidateGroup with JS but it is not working for me.
Thanks for your help. With regards, Tomás