We have just run into a problem with Parameter Input when running reports. Up until a few months ago, we were still running v2011 of DevExpress. At that point, when running reports, a Parameter Input Dialog was automatically displayed BEFORE the report was generated.
Now, this no longer occurs, and instead there is a Parameter Panel displayed in the Print Preview AFTER the report is generated.
We have a couple of problems with this which all boil down to us needing the old behavior of being able to enter parameter values BEFORE generating a report. The biggest issue is that we do a lot of custom merging of multiple reports, as well as padding report output for duplex printing to get individual records in a report to be able to be printed on separate physical pages, depending on the final requirements for printing of a report. Since this is all done while generating the report, anything that affects the output of a report afterwards is causing us a lot of problems.
How can we go about getting back the ability to request parameter values before the report is generated?