Ticket Q558056
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Simple File Explorer Example with Drag-n-Drop from the app to desktop

created 11 years ago

Do you have a simple working example using a TreeView on the left, Grid View on the right that acts like Windows file explorer? With the ability to do Drag-n-Drop (Copy/Move Files/Folder) from the tree view or grid view to the deskptop or other folders?
I've been playing around with this with no luck? Do you have an working example or could someone whip me up a quick example of this please. I'm trying to learn this process and having a little trouble understanding the tricks but I think if I could get an simple working example of this in VB it may help me move forward with proper metohds in programing the rest of my project.
Thank you in advance it would be greatly appreciated!!! Happy Holidays…

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

We have such an example in our GridMainDemo application. You can find this project here: "C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos 13.2\Components\WinForms\VB\GridMainDemo". In particular, run the WinExplorer View (File Manager) module. You can find sources for this module here: "C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos 13.2\Components\WinForms\VB\GridMainDemo\Modules\WinExplorerView.vb".
However, this example shows how to create a Windows Explorer style without implementing all the features. Mainly, this module illustrates how to show folders and files from a particular path and how to navigate to a different path. This module does not show how to drag&drop items.
We have a lot of examples illustrating how to drag&drop data in a grid in our Code Example data base. Use this Search Engine to find them.
I recommend that you review the Drag and drop from windows explorer and grid thread, where a similar task has been discussed.
I hope that this information is good to start.

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