Ticket Q552220
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Localization fails on some objects

created 11 years ago


we have problems with localization. We did the following:
In Program.cs in MyApp.Win we added

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");

In the debug-directory we created a directory "de" and for testing purposes another "de-DE" with the same content. The content are 94 resource-files for German we downloaded yesterday.
Now the application is partially German and partially English. The context-menus of GridColumn-Headers are in English, the Report-Designer is German, its preview is English.
I tried an older version (12.1) out of the backup, there are all these elements in German.
Whats my mistake ?

Thank you

Show previous comments (6)
DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

    Hello Michael,
    >>The main reason may be, that your resource files are 10 times as big as mine. Where did you get them from ?
    I have downloaded these assemblies from the The collection of localized DevExpress assemblies article.
    Would you please send us a simple sample where this issue is reproducible? We will be happy to help you.
    Additionally, I want to note that you can use approaches described in the Localization thread to localize your XAF application. Please take a look at our Localization Tool that is intended to simplify the localization of XAF applications.

      Hello Alexey,
      your last tip was the decisive.
      In App.config the line
      <add key="Languages" value="de-DE"/>
      needed to be changed in
      <add key="Languages" value="de;de-DE"/>
      Thank you very much !

      DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

        You're welcome.


        created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

        Solved by Alexey.

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