When running my prosject in development (W 7 x64, Visual Studio 2010), the resources and apointments show as intended (pic. 1 in attached Word document).
When transferring the dokument to"roduction" servere (W 2003 and W 2008) my appointments do not show (pic. 2 in attached Wordd document).
I have put "Messagebox" statements throughout to make shure the progran does not exit before completion . However it seems that in develoment the following statement(s) take some time as there are 600 appointmens in the list:
m_customAppointmentBindingSource.DataSource = mappedWatches;
schedulerControl1.Storage.AppointmentStorage.DataSource = m_customAppointmentBindingSource;
When running on the servers however, it seems like the statement takes no time at all.
Word document and project attached in zip file.
An suggestions?
Erling Sande, KDO