Ticket Q552024
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Sheduler doesn't show appointments when it is deployed to a server

created 11 years ago


When running my prosject in development (W 7 x64, Visual Studio 2010), the resources and apointments show as intended (pic. 1 in attached Word document).

When transferring the dokument to"roduction" servere (W 2003 and W 2008) my appointments do not show (pic. 2 in attached Wordd document).

I have put "Messagebox" statements throughout to make shure the progran does not exit before completion . However it seems that in develoment the following statement(s) take some time as there are 600 appointmens in the list:
m_customAppointmentBindingSource.DataSource = mappedWatches;
schedulerControl1.Storage.AppointmentStorage.DataSource = m_customAppointmentBindingSource;

When running on the servers however, it seems like the statement takes no time at all.

Word document and project attached in zip file.

An suggestions?

Erling Sande, KDO

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

Hello Erling,
My best guess is that when you deploy the application to a server, it cannot get data. Maybe you need to change a connection string or add some permissions. It is very likely that the EFService.GenerateWatchesForActivatedWorkPlans(allWatches, curWorkPlans) method doesn't return anything. Please check this.

    Comments (2)

      Hello Ted
      I had the program write the number of resources and appointments in the lists to make sure that was not the problem. It gave me the same numbers in development and production.

      DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

        Still, this issue looks like Scheduler doesn't receive data. Please check the "mappedWatches" collection. Does it contain any items? I suggest you also try to deploy this application to a different machine (neither your development one nor the server) and see how it will work there.

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