Ticket Q551925
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repositoryItemLookUpEdit in XtraGrid

created 11 years ago


I have a XtraGrid which has as datasoure a BindingSource.

The DataSource of te BindingsSource is a BindingList of objects.

One of the properties of my object is a long, so the colum in the grid is shown as a number.

I have aded a repositoryItemLookUpEdit which is use as EditItem for the above column

During runtime I assign the DataSource to the repositoryItemLookUpEdit, with a DisplayMember (string) and ValueMember (long)

First question :

When clicking a cell in the column the dropdown is opened, but why are all columns of the repositoryItemLookUpEdit datasource are shown in the dropdown an not only the DisplayMember ?

Second quenstion :

When selecting an item from the dropdown, the selected value is not shown in the xtragrid cell. It just remains "N/A", which is my nullvaluetext.

PS : I have added a screedump to make things clear.

Show previous comments (3)

    Hi Andrew,
    Indeed, it was a probleem with my datasource.
    Thanks for helping me out.

      Hi Andrew,
      Just an extra little questions.
      I have as null value for the ItemReposirotyLookupEdit the text "N/A".
      Once the user has selected a value, is there a way he can go (select ?) back to the "N/A" null value ?

      DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

        Helllo David,
        If you wish to set a null value to the LookUpEdit, you may use the Ctrl + Del key combination. It is also necessary to turn on the AllowNullInput property.
        I hope you will find this information useful.

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