We enclosed a zip folders named "TestLogout.zip ".
TestLogout folder contains "Application" and "Screenshots" folder.
Application contains code which will be used to reproduce our said problem.
Please view screeshots in order of 1,2,3.
Steps to be followed:-
- Login using email:x and Pwd:123 - refer (1) screenshot
- After login successful, you can view "start page- refer (2) screenshot.
- While clicking logout button in start page, it is going back to login page - refer(3) screenshot.
Now you can see old entered values in the textboxes again.
How to clear email and pwd textboxes when click on logout button. In otherwords how to refresh the page?
Please give the solution at earliest.
Best Regards
Amit Mondal.
Looking forward your quick reply for above problem.
Best Regards
Amit Mondal.