I have a gridview that I use for capturing attachments, I would like to enable drag & drop so the user can drag messages from Outlook as well as files from Windows and drop onto the gridview.
I have enabled AllowDrop but I just get the 'No Entry' sign, I am unable to find any examples of how to do this .
Best Regards
Hello Howard,
>>I would like to enable drag & drop so the user can drag messages from Outlook as well as files from Windows and drop onto the gridview.
Would you please confirm if you are talking about the WinForms XtraGrid or ASP.NET ASPxGridView control?
>>I have enabled AllowDrop but I just get the 'No Entry' sign
Would you please illustrate your current progress with some screenshots, code files, etc.?
This is referring to the WinForms GridView
I have manged to get simple files from explorer to work, I had switched on Allow Drop but was working with the wrong event. I was trying to use the gridview Drag/Drop rather than the Grid Controller drag/drop.
What I would kike to know now (if possible) is to be able to drag an outlook message from the InBox to the gridview. I looked at the data formats (e.dataGetFormats) and I didn't see one that looked like it would fit for mail messages.
At the moment the users have to save the message onto the disk and then add via the openFile Dialog, now I have the file drag/drop working that would speed things up a little, so doing the whole drag/drop in one go would be great.