Ticket Q511930
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Make BarEditItem with SpinEdit fire EditValueChanged immidiately

created 12 years ago

In my project I need to use SpinEdit as a bar item and I want it to fire EditValueChanged immediately after it will be changed by end user. To achieve this I set:

repositoryItemSpinEdit1.EditValueChangedFiringMode = EditValueChangedFiringMode.Default; repositoryItemSpinEdit2.EditValueChangedFiringMode = EditValueChangedFiringMode.Default;

but it didn't help. The event fires only when the control loses focus or when the user presses Enter key as well. How can I make the control fire EditValueChanged event immediately after value has been changed?

Comments (1)
Alisher (DevExpress Support) 12 years ago

    Hi Konstantin,
    I was unable to reproduce the issue on my side. The EditValueChanged event fires immediately after changing a value in the spin editor. Please check the attached project and modify it to demonstrate the issue.
    I hope to hear from you soon.

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