Ticket Q499168
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How to increase Time Scale in Day View - Schedule Control

created 12 years ago

,I am using version
I have the following code that set the time scale in day view
<dxsch:SchedulerControl.DayView> <dxsch:DayView DayCount="3" ShowAllDayArea="True" AllDayAreaScrollBarVisible="False" ShowDayHeaders="True" TimeScale="00:30:00" ---- If i have into "02:00:00" to have a 2 hours impact on calender control.It just show maximun of one hour difference,kinldy guilde me how can i set time scale hour difference to more that 1.

Looking for a positive response from your side.

Nadeem Sattar

Comments (3)
Alessandro (DevExpress Support) 12 years ago

    I am afraid the information you provided does not allow us to understand your requirements. Would you please describe the problem you are trying to resolve in this manner in greater detail? Probably, there is an alternative way to resolve your problem. In addition, please clarify your scenario and describe your requirements in greater detail. Finally, a sample screenshot that illustrates the desired result or behavior would be greatly appreciated. I hope this will make the situation clearer. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

      Thanks for reply me.Here is the detail information about my issue.Currenlty i am using day view mode in schedule control.Time scale i have set under day view is "01:00:00" which bascilly show time scale hours like 12,1,2,3,4, and so on. I need to increase this time span like 2 to 5 hours and if i set TimeScale to ""03:00:00"" and its impact will be like time scale hour show 12 ,3,6,9 and so on.But i always get the time time scale difference to maximun of one hours.Hope this will help you to understande my problem.

      Alessandro (DevExpress Support) 12 years ago

        … if i set TimeScale to ""03:00:00"" and its impact will be like time scale hour show 12 ,3,6,9 and so on.But i always get the time time scale difference to maximun of one hours
        I am afraid that I do not quite understand what you mean by the "time scale difference". As far as I understand, it should be 3 in the scenario you described (6 - 3 = 9 - 6 =3). Would you please clarify this point in greater detail?

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