Ticket Q498890
Visible to All Users

We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

How to display information from multiple properties in a lookup editor when its drop down is closed

Allow Criteria Language Syntax in XafDefaultPropertyAttribute to enable complex non-persistent default properties without the need to create calculated properties

created 12 years ago


I just ended up typing A LOT of calculated properties just to serve as default properties (to bi displayed in lookup editors) and I thought - hey, wouldn't it be great if I would be able to just pass expression and caption to XafDefaultProperty?
So, instead writing entire calculated property each and every time when I need more than one property as default property (which is quite often) it would be awesome if I would be able to do something like this:

[XafDefaultProperty('[LastName] + " " + [FirstName] + ([PhoneNumber]', "Person description")

Of course, if one needs server side data handling there is no other way but create persistent calculated property, but when such need is not required (I'm quite ok with client-side data handling in most cases) - expression in XafDefaultProperty would be amazing solution.

What do you think? Would that be hard to implement?



Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hello Mario,
Thank you for the feedback. We already thought about a similar feature: Core - Introduce a LookupDisplayMember property allowing to specify a criteria string that will define a composite lookup property display value. I briefly estimated and it should not be that difficult to implement. The only thing is that it requires changes across all PropertyEditors for reference properties and related classes. We have not yet planned this feature for any specific release, though.

    Comments (2)

      No rush for me, I already typed all that nasty calculatable code :)
      But it would be great feature to have in the future.
      Btw, In the link you provided there is a link to http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q457567.aspx but that ticket is marked as private.

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

        Thanks for the additional info. I have removed the private link fro that ticket.

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