Ticket Q494995
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Fields value in ASPxGridView on Row Command

created 12 years ago

In my ASPxGridView on row command event i am capturing id of row clicked and than reading row values its working fine.
But when i filter the records and click on the link button i am not getting the correct id …by default id is coming as 1
my code:
   object id = e.CommandArgs.CommandArgument;
            string filename = Convert.ToString(grdhdm.GetRowValuesByKeyValue(id, "filename"));

After filtering the records object is coming as 1 and not the correct one and sometimes it returns null and when second time you click the same link it will return the correct value but after filtering on first attempt it does not give correct id
Also pls let me know how i can make the filtering criteria as 'Contains' by default

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hi Neeraj,
I suggest you use the ASPxGridViewRowEventArgs.KeyValue property to get the row ID.
The ASPxGridViewRowEventArgs.KeyValue property provides a capability to get an ID value by a key value. Thus, this property allows you to avoid issues with grid filtering and sorting:

protected void gv_RowCommand(object sender, ASPxGridViewRowCommandEventArgs e) { ASPxGridView grid = (ASPxGridView)sender; object id = e.KeyValue; string filename = grid.GetRowValuesByKeyValue(id, "CategoryName").ToString(); }

I've attached a sample project and video to show how it works.

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    DevExpress Support Team 12 years ago

      The ASPxGridViewRowEventArgs.KeyValue property provides a capability to get an ID value by a key value. Thus, this property allows you to avoid issues with grid filtering and sorting:

      protected void gv_RowCommand(object sender, ASPxGridViewRowCommandEventArgs e) { ASPxGridView grid = (ASPxGridView)sender; object id = e.KeyValue; string filename = grid.GetRowValuesByKeyValue(id, "CategoryName").ToString(); }

      I've attached a sample project and video to show how it works.

        thanks Demetrius…its working

        DevExpress Support Team 12 years ago

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