Hi DevExpress Team,
how to do concatenation in column header of WPF GridControl using xaml.
<dxg:GridColumn Name="CommandMapped" dxgext:BandedViewBehavior.Row="0" dxgext:BandedViewBehavior.Column="0" dxgext:BandedViewBehavior.ColumnSpan="4" dxgext:BandedViewBehavior.IsBand="True"
Header="{Binding Path=View.FocusedRow.Name, StringFormat='{}{0:CommandsMappedTo}'}">
Sasidhar Muvvala
As I can see in your code snippet, you created a Band column, and this column spans several columns. I'm afraid that the issue is not clear to me. Would you please explain it in greater detail, or provide me with a sample project? I am looking forward to your reply.
i have one static value and one dynamic value, i want to bind these two values together in the Header of GridColumn