Ticket Q485218
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Gauge Item - Provide more binding parameters

created 12 years ago

I have started implementing the Dashboard and have noticed that there are quite a few parameters on the gauge for instance, that don't appear to be able to be set by data.

I had been using the Gauge on its own in the past, and have a table that is used to drive the target, actual, min target and max target. In the dashboard when I use this table, I can set the actual and target, but cannot find how to use the min and max values from my table to drive the other visual properties of the gauge. Are these items available in the Dashboard designer and I am missing them, or as a possible future enhancement?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

I am afraid the current version of the Dashboard Suite, does not support the required capability. We do not have immediate plans to introduce this functionality in the near future, but we will keep it on our radar and probably reconsider our decision if we get more requests regarding this functionality.

See also:
T496322: Gauge Item - How to configure default scale and add custom ranges.

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    stephen schuurmans 8 years ago


      Our customers are also waiting for the option to get more colors in the Gauge

      Thanx Stephen

        My too

          we are too!

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