Ticket Q484555
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Can I embed an XAF View in an IFRAME element placed in another web page?

Error: Permission denied to access property 'PopupWindowCallbackPanel'

created 12 years ago

Our XAF application should run in an IFrame of an other webapplication. The navigation is running fine, but the popups throws an error and wont show.
The error: Permission denied to access property 'PopupWindowCallbackPanel'
Is there a solution for this ?

Comments (1)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

    Hello Richard,
    Have you implemented a solution from the Embed XAF view in iframe ticket or did not write additional code to support this scenario? I am asking because by default we do not support the scenario when an XAF Web application is embedded in IFRAME. There may be also additional issues as well.

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