Ticket Q468387
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ASPxGridView - Possible ways of displaying validation messages

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

[DevExpress Team: this ticket was cloned from the ASPxSpinEdit Validation inside ASPxGridView]
And the other question of this topic. Now I'm showing an error in a PopupControl. How can I show the error in a red row under the editing row of the ASPxGridView. I show this when something on the grid fails in a Callback in the default behavior of DevExpress.
Thanks for your help. With regards, Tomás

Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

    Hello Tomás,
    In order to provide you with the most efficient solution, we need additional information. Would you please provide us with a couple of screenshots illustrating actual and expected results, a screencast or a sample runnable project that demonstrates the issue?
    We will do our best to find the most efficient solution.

      Hello Helen:
      Sorry for my delay in response. Last weeks I was too busy.
      I will explain what I want better.
      I have seen that when in the UpdateGridRow Method you don't set e.ExceptionHandle = true in this method in the code Behind you can see a red row with an error bellow the editing row as i show here in the attachment.
      What I want is to know how can I show an error by this way. For me is more important to show an error by this way in the client side with JS.
      Also if you can tell me how to custom this message when there is an error on the UpdateGridRow method on the server i will appreciate.
      Thanks for your help Helen. With regards, Tomás.

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

      Hello Tomas,
      ASPxGridView renders an additional HTML element to display this error message panel. If you need to display it on the client side, you will need to implement a custom panel element in the EditForm template. On the other hand, ASPxGridView provides the ASPxGridView.CustomErrorText event which is raised when an exception is raised inside the grid. Use this message to replace the default error message with your custom message.
      Should you have any other questions, feel free to contact me at any time.

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