I'm working my way through the DXTREME Learning Center and when I get to this step; http://help.devexpress.com/HTML/#!Overview/Getting%20Started/Create%20Index%20View I'm asked to open Index.html, VS2012 Premium crashes. I tried again and it crashed again.
I normally use Red Gate's .NET Demon for background compilation and it does complain about the dxjsproj file but turning it off made no difference.
Hello Crispin,
Thank you for your message. I am afraid that the provided information is not sufficient to determine the cause of the issue. Would you please execute steps described in the Collecting a call stack to track down the cause of VS crash or freeze issues Knowledge Base article to obtain additional information about this error? We will review it and do our best to help you.
I'll try and fit this in soon, but with the holiday season upon it, it could be a week or so.
Visual Studio hasn't crashed or frozen: does the collection of a call stack trace still apply?
It is not quite clear whether or not the issue is solved. If the issue is still present, please provide us with information that Uriah requested earlier.
I'm having exactly the same issue.
I followed the article regarding collecting the call stack and I have attached my results. I'm not sure if they're exactly correct as my VS2012 did not give me the option to activate "Show External Code".
I have attached my results.
Devon Britton.
I started from scratch today because I couldn't remember what I'd done a month ago. I created the basic application again and thought I would view the index.dxview file, but when I opened it, VS2012 crashed. I don't know whether this is the same problem or a different problem, but this time I do have a hdmp file (418MB) should that be of any use. Let me know and I'll append it.