Ticket Q443212
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Core - The CompositeView.DelayedItemsInitialization property is ignored in ASP.NET applications

Control DelayedViewItemsInitialization in View Controllers

created 12 years ago

Hello XAF Team,

Is there any drawbacks to control DelayedViewItemsInitialization in view controllers (Win & Web)?

Because I hope to set DelayedViewItemsInitialization to false only in some specific views (keep DelayedViewItemsInitialization as the default 'true' value in most of views).

EDIT: I found the behavior is unstable if I control DelayedViewItemsInitialization's value through view controllers' OnActivated() and OnDeactivated(), at least in Web.



created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

No, you can customize it for certain Views as well.
We suggest you set the CompositeView.DelayedItemsInitialization property from within the XafApplication.DetailViewCreated event handler.
Setting this property from within a controller is not a good idea, simply because the controller order is undefined and it may be too late to set this property. If you found any issues with the suggested way of setting this property, please let us know.
I hope this helps.
Be aware of a bug in WebLayoutManager: Core - The CompositeView.DelayedItemsInitialization property is ignored in ASP.NET applications.

    Comments (2)

      I searched 'ItemsInitialization' in XAF source code, and found that WebLayoutManager's behavior was determined by its delayedViewItemsInitialization variable, and the latter always equals to WebApplication.Instance.DelayedViewItemsInitialization. So, I had to use reflection to change that private variable (there is no public setter), and now my problem gets solved.
      Thanks for your direction!

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

        James, this is definitely a bug in WebLayoutManager and we will fix it: Core - The CompositeView.DelayedItemsInitialization property is ignored in ASP.NET applications.

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