Ticket Q434539
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How to add wcf service to the middle tier Application Server

created 12 years ago

I want to using wcf service as DXTREME's Store.

how to add wcf service to the middle tier security Application Server

Show previous comments (2)
derekpan yztsoft 12 years ago

    add a WCF Service on Middle Tier Security Server , need any Authentication?

      Sorry, Dont know how I voted it down. I was trying to vote it up. Would really like to see even just a simple todo here. Thanks,

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

        Hello Derek,
        We will publish a complete demo + blogs once 12.2 is out. Your patience is highly appreciated.


        created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

        I already voted!

        Edit: Huh? should have been a comment.
        But still another refresh ;-)

        Edit 2: Why can I delete a comment but not a solution?

          Comments (2)
          Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

            @Robert: The capability to delete solutions is not present at the moment in the new Support Center.

              No problem at all!

              created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

              Thank you for the clarification. Yes, it is possible to expose (e.g., via OData) filtered data from the XAF application server and use it in DXTREME applications. And yes, it certainly requires passing the correct authentication ticket to the message header for every service call.
              A few months ago researched in this internally, and it all worked as expected. Most likely, we will post an example or create a help article that describes this solution in detail, because it is something some of XAF users will be interested in. Your patience is highly appreciated.
              Here we go:
              How to deploy the OData security service in the Cloud for further use by a mobile DXTREME client

                Show previous comments (5)
                Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

                  Thank you for your interest guys. Just add this ticket to Favorites, not to miss any updates and show your support.
                  See Also:

                    just refreshing the ticket to give it more attention :-)

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