Ticket Q433604
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Web - Information in ImmediatePostData fields can be over written when typing very fast

created 12 years ago

I have implemented your suggestion to fix the immediate post
tab issue in Ticket B210375 for the web.

However, if a user is using the form for data capture
purposes and entering the information quickly, the refocusing causes the
initial characters after the tab to be over typed.

Step to reproduce the issue

  1. Enter a value in Rate textbox - type 7.

  2. Press Tab to move to the Hours textbox and IMMEDIDATELY
    start typing (more than one character) – type 4444.

  3. You will notice that the characters that are
    typed before the immediate post had finished are lost.

How can the workaround be changed to prevent this from
happening, so that the user does not have to wait for the immediate post to
finish before stating to type.



created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hello Trentin,
Thank you for contacting us. We can replicate this issue in our tests, but I am afraid we do not have any solutions for this at this time. We already tried to improve the script by using the SetCaretPosition method (to move the caret to the last symbol in the editor to avoid loosing typed data) instead of focusing the editor, but it did not solve the original cause of this issue: after the call back is sent to the server, the updated HTML rewrote what was already entered by a fast user on the client side.
To be fair, I believe that the same issue would occur in a regular ASP.NET application with update panels. Since we cannot avoid using update panels and callbacks in XAF Web, we do not have an easy solution for this task. I have added a note into the ticket where this workaround was published to inform other people of this issue.

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