I know, there are tons of ticket with similar requests and yet - here is another one.
XAF is an application framework being most suitable for building business solutions. Business solutions requires A LOT of confirmation/information/warning/error dialogs. A lot. Did I say a lot? Good.
I don't think anyone should spent more than an hour (like I just did) trying to find proper solution to display dialogs whether error/information or confirmation ones and after the search, feeling numb & dumb, having in hands few hack solutions using popup actions or popup controls (which then one needs to find out how to customize them from ViewController - which I still need to do and waste another hour of time - for a message box).
So, let me summarize this.
DevExpress - you need to - and let me repeat that - YOU REALLY NEED TO build static MessageBox class because:
- I want to type MessageBox.Show("Hello user, I love using this simple dialogs so I can inform you");
- I want to type MessageBox.Show("User, if you do this, you die!", MessageBoxButtons.Ok, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
- I want to type MessageBox.Show("Saving data", "Are you sure you want to save this?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
Because I don't want to:
- spend hours to figure out ways how to actually display message
- feeling numb&dumb when I actually do find out how to do it
- doing hacks with popup control and figuring out how to customize it from view controller so that I don't have to create 100 popup controls each with different information in it
Dennis wrote: I want to close this ticket with a solution that was successfully used by many of our users through these years. ( S19008)
Dennis, it was successfully used because they had no other choice and believe me - they would all be much happier if they would have found MessageBox.Show and not to waste time and resources on bluntly simple task like this.
XAF can be (and it really is) a real time saver, but then it can also be such a time-killer that I simply can't believe why such tasks haven't been implemented in a framework with most tendencies turned to building business applications.
I will solve my current problem with popup control (I can't use UserFriendlyException, I will create another ticket for that one), not because I want, but because I have no other choice.
So, PLEASE, do implement nice and elegant solution for this.
Mario - If you are still needing this, I posted the v14.2 version of solution below.
Thanks Warren for all the plumbing you did :)
Mario - notice Michael's latest comment (2/13/2015) - still working on trying to get the web version to work properly :(
Hey Mario, I gave up on trying to come up with a platform-agnostic confirmation message popup. (See latest entries from me) - But I converted everything to an informational-message only popup (which is platform-agnostic) because I think that still might be very useful by itself. I am going to continue on a different tack to try to implement a web app specific confirmation popup referencing some of Dennis' suggestions. C'est la vie :)
Thanks for the effort.