Ticket Q419074
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

How do I implement MasterDetailMode = ListAndDetailView in ListView in ASP.NET WebForms and Blazor?

Web SplitLayout: Open Detailview on DblClick

created 13 years ago


i ́m using the solution posted in Q399535 to achieve a SplitLayout for a XAF Webproject. Everything ́s working fine. But (of course) to get the desired Master-Detail behavior, the ProcessCurrentObjectAction of the ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController has to be disabled. So there is no way to open a Detailview in View-Mode.

Now, i ́m trying to open the Detailview on a row dblclick (instead of a single click) with no success: Currently i perform a callback on the grid.ClientSideEvents.RowDblClick event and handle the Grid.CustomCallback event. The event is triggered, but calling ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController.ShowObject(…) has no effect. What ́s the right way to switch from the ListView to a Detailview on a dblclick?



created 13 years ago (modified 13 years ago)

Hello Andre,
Please refer to the 5th point of the eXpressApp Framework 11.2 ASP.NET Application Migration Guidelines KB Article to learn more on how to correctly execute the ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController code when double-clicking on a record in the grid.
I hope you find this information helpful.

    Comments (2)

      Works like a charm.
      Thank you Dennis!

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 13 years ago

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