I have report that use Entity Framework (mysql) entities to get data. Report is bound to data at runtime, with following code:
void rep_DesignerLoaded(object sender, DevExpress.XtraReports.UserDesigner.DesignerLoadedEventArgs e)
using (var ctx = new biatelbit_kancelaria_tajnaEntities())
IDesignerHost host = e.DesignerHost as IDesignerHost;
BindingSource bs = new BindingSource()
DataSource =
(from d in ctx.v_ra_osoby_uprawnione select d).ToList()
//Remove design-time binding source
foreach (IComponent component in host.Container.Components)
if (component is BindingSource)
//add runtime binding source
rep.DataSource = bs;
And then, end user designer is invoked:
Everything works in end user designer - report data are displayed correctly when user choose PrintPreview tab. Next, end user adds new parameter - screenshoot http://screener.tk/f/o/f/t3nkb.png and filter string for report - screenshoow: http://screener.tk/f/o/f/4T3ZD.png
After this, end user invokes print preview tab, print preview is always empty: http://screener.tk/f/o/f/ptIR0.png and it should not be empty. If I use this filter string for report: [OS_IMIE] Like 'Jan' (instead of [OS_IMIE] Like '?parName'), filter works fine and prints all data like it should: http://screener.tk/f/o/f/HDsBG.png
What's wrong and why parameters does not work?