Ticket Q399535
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

How do I implement MasterDetailMode = ListAndDetailView in ListView in ASP.NET WebForms and Blazor?

SplitLayout for Web Application

created 13 years ago

is there any plans for implementing the Split Master-Detail Layout in Web Applicaiton in the near future?
Best regards,
Sergej Derjabkin on behalf of Hans-Jörg Sudhaus.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 13 years ago (modified 13 years ago)

Hello Sergej,
Thank you for contacting us. We do not have immediate plans to implement this functionality. You can track the ListView - Support MasterDetailMode = ListAndDetailView on the Web suggestion to be automatically notified of any changes in this regard.
In the meantime, it is possible to emulate this with the help of a dashboard with ListView and DetailView items. Let me know in case of any further difficulties.
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    Show previous comments (1)
    Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 13 years ago

      Hi Sergej,
      Yes, then probably a custom web form is a possible solution here. To this end, you can find the How to show custom forms and controls in XAF (Example) example helpful.

      H H
      HANS-JOERG SUDHAUS 13 years ago

        Hello Dennis,

        Thank you for you answer.

        I've implemented the full Split Layout functionality by subclassing the WebLayoutManager and the ASPxGridListEditor.

        Best Regards,

        Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 13 years ago

          Hi Sergej,
          I would greatly appreciate your help and time if you would post your solution to this thread so that other support center users can benefit from it. I believe that people who are looking for the same solution will help you improve your solution by finding bugs, making suggestions, etc. Thank you for your time in advance!

          Other Answers

          created 13 years ago (modified 13 years ago)

          Hello Denis,

          finally i've found the time to extract the solution from my project and fix nasty bugs ;). I've attached my sample solution this message. To avoid some Callback-issues i had to use static ids for some controls. So I'm not sure, that my Master-Detail view will propertly work inside of a dashboard view on in other cases, where more than one Master-Detail views are displayed on the same page.

          Here are the steps to inclide the functionality in an existing project:

          1. Add the FocusedRowGridEditor to the Module.Web Project
          2. Assigin FocusedRowGridEditor to the ListView's EditorType
          3. Create the SplitterLayoutManager in the Module.Web Project
          4. Override the WebApplication.CreateLayoutManagerCore in the web project
          5. Override the WebApplication.SupportsMasterDetailMode in the web project
          6. Copy the MoveFooter.js to resize the splitter propertly

          Best regards,
          Sergej Derjabkin

            Show previous comments (23)
            Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

              @Johnny S.:
              I have created a separate ticket for your question: Q288460 and will address your issue once we have clarified your license status.

              RN RN
              Richard Nieuwland 12 years ago

                Is there already a working solution for the WebSplitLayout? I get the same messages as Johnny S.

                Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

                  @Richard: I believe a working solution is embedded into eXpand as Tolis indicated above.
                  We do not have other ready solutions at the moment.

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