Ticket Q348532
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ASPxPageControl - How to improve the TabPages loading speed

created 13 years ago

Please consider this scenario: page with one ASPxPageControl with several TabPages each with one or more ASPxGridViews (bound to several LinqDataSources).
I want everytime a TabPage is clicked to refresh all its content, i.e. only that TabPage’s GridViews get refreshed, so I am using ASPxPageControl in callback mode and also reloadContentOnCallback = true.
However on each callback all LinqDataSources for all Gridviews get refreshed sending unnecessary queries to the database, consuming too much time on a complex page like this.
I realize that ASP.NET mandates that all controls be reconstructed in callbacks, but does that necessary mean that all “invisible” controls need to get their datasources refreshed ?
Do you have any suggestion on how to implement this kind of functionality?

Show previous comments (17)
DevExpress Support Team 13 years ago

    Please pardon me, but I am a bit stuck on your project. Could you please clarify what should I do with the application to reproduce the issue with an empty tab?
    Do I need to add a new tab and then check that the TabIndex is changed properly?

      Vest, no problem, I just attached another version of the project with 2 "default" pages.
          - Default.aspx works fine with my hack.
          - DefaultNW.aspx does not.
      To confirm pleace breakpoints in *_Selecting functions of both pages.
      As I understand the problem is that in DefaultNW the ActiveTabChanged event is not called for the "inicial" TabPage (the one specified in the propertie ActiveTabIndex - try changing it).
      Best regards, and please excuse my english…

      DevExpress Support Team 13 years ago

        Thank you for the updated project. I will examine it soon.
        Please excuse me for any possible delay.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 13 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

        I have examined the application and found out that you faced the ASP.NET Page Life cycle issue:
        When a page is rendered for the first time, the current tab index is 2. The page control preserves this value and it is always set to this value before the control initialization. When you switch the control to a different page, the control does not update its ViewState (because of callbacks), and thus the server always preserves the "2" index. However, when you open the third page again, the server sees that the initial value is still 2, a user opens the third page (the index is 2, again), and thus it does not see a difference. That is why the "changing" event is not raised.
        I have slightly modified your application to make it work. Please take a look at the attachment.

          Comments (3)

            Hi Vest,
            Sorry for the late reply.
            Thank you very much for your example everything works fine now.
            Although i cannot use it becaus a session variable is not suitable for usage with more than one opened copies of the same page, i will try to adapt it.
            Best regards,

            DevExpress Support Team 13 years ago

              Hello Pedro,
              It is not necessary to use Session. You are free to use ASPxHiddenField and work with it using client-side code and the ASPxPageControl.JSProperties property, or you can use a standard hidden field, and read its values using Request.Params.

                Thanks. Closing this question.

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