Ticket Q333867
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How to change default row captions's color of the grid layout view ?

created 14 years ago

- how to change the font and background color of the row caption being focused in the grid's layout view (numer 1 at the screen attached) ? For Windows XP, these colors make the label is almost unreadable
- how to hide a frame that is drawn around the record (numer 2 at the screen attached) ?
I looked at all the properties that seemed to have to deal with these issues.

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    Hello Ingvar,
    thank you for the example but I wanted to ask if is it possible to get the C++ equivalent ? I'm not a delphi programmer and have a problem with the first line of the code: type TcxGridLayoutViewItemViewInfoAccess = class (TcxGridLayoutViewItemViewInfo);
    I tried the following:
    class TcxGridLayoutViewItemViewInfoAccess : public TcxGridLayoutViewItemViewInfo
         inline __fastcall virtual TcxGridLayoutViewItemViewInfoAccess(TcxGridLayoutViewRecordViewInfo* ARecordViewInfo, TcxGridLayoutViewItem* AItem) : TcxGridLayoutViewItemViewInfo(ARecordViewInfo, AItem) { }
         inline __fastcall virtual ~TcxGridLayoutViewItemViewInfoAccess(void) { }
         __property TcxGridLayoutItemViewInfo* LayoutItemViewInfo = {read=GetLayoutItemViewInfo};
    …but got the error: E2247 '_fastcall TcxGridLayoutViewItemViewInfo::GetLayoutItemViewInfo()' is not accessible, which makes sense because the GetLayoutItemViewInfo function's declaration is placed inside the private section.
    Regarding the second question: is it possible to control the color of the frame ? If so, I could achieve the desired effect by drawing it in the color of the background.
    Kind regards,

    DevExpress Support Team 14 years ago

      Hello Bertrand.
      Please accept my apologies for this inconvenience. In the attachment, you will find a C++ Builder version of this project. Please examine it and let us know whether or not it helps.
      Concerning your second question, I am afraid there is no simple way to accomplish this task. The only possible solution is to use ExpressSkins because this border color is style-dependent.
      Best regards,

        Hello Ingvar,
        many thanks, it works like I wanted. Now I see my fault: unnecessarily defined TcxGridLayoutViewItemViewInfoAccess's LayoutItemViewInfo property instead of it's redeclaration. Thank you again.
        Kind regards,

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