I have used the layout Control to help us manage the UI's control, and I have assigned one generic context menu strip, I have added one gridControl. when I right-click on the gridcontrol's column header, which will show the default column context menu, but the Layout Control's context menu has been fired as well.
Could you please help me, how to resolve the issue?
I have attached the form and screenshot.
Thanks in advance!
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In your screenshot, a standard GridView menu is shown. You can suppress it by handling the GridView.PopupMenuShowing event and setting the e.Allow parameter to false. Another approach is to use the GridView.OptionsMenu property. However, if you want to have a menu that has a consistent appearance with other menus, we suggest that you use the e.Menu parameter to add custom items to the default menu.
Hi Dimitros,
Thanks for your help, I want to suppress the contextMenuStrip and display the gridview's menu.
I could not get the information, the right-click fired on one "GridView" control.
Thanks and best regards!
The GridView does not manage standard context menus. You can suppress it from opening using the capabilities provided by the ContextMenuStrip component. For example, you can handle its Opening event, and set the Cancel parameter to true.
private void contextMenuStrip1_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = gridControl1.Bounds.Contains(gridControl1.PointToClient(MousePosition)); }
It's fixed
It's fixed
It's fixed