Ticket Q305885
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Validation - Check validation rules when input focus changes

Limit property value before validation

created 14 years ago

I have a simple byte property in one of my domain objects, which is defined this way:
        private byte byteNumber;
        [RuleRange("Number Only 0-180", DefaultContexts.Save, 0, 180)]
        public byte MyNumber
            get { return byteNumber; }
            set { SetPropertyValue("MyNumber", ref byteNumber, value); }
Now, I have a requirement to check this value immediately after it has been inserted (in DetailView) and not wait for "Save". I assume it has to be some kind of client code (My project is XAF Web App).
Another requirement I have is to display some kind of a popup warning message if this value is over 90. How do I do this?

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 14 years ago

    Hi Golan,
    I am afraid these features are not supported in the current version. We already have corresponding suggestions, and will implement them in future versions of our framework. Please track them via:
    Validation - Validate related rules when a control loses focus,
    Validation - Warn end-users about mistakes/inconsistencies without preventing them from saving changes.

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