Ticket Q278167
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How can I hide the Parameters panel on a print preview control/window?

created 14 years ago

I have report with parameters that I am filling through code.
I have turned off the reports RequestParameters feature i.e. rep.RequestParameters = false;
but when I load the report into the print preview window, the parameters panel is showing on the left. I want to be able to hide this permanently.
How do I do this?

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    Hi Alex,
    Thanks for your help.
    I simply recorded what the watermark was in one of the reps and then applied it to all the pages in the mergedPS one.

    OR OR
    Oscar Rodriguez 6 9 years ago

      Well, none of those answers worked for me. For those you are looking for another alnernative, this code might be useful:

      Visual Basic
      Dim pt As ReportPrintTool Dim ps As PrintingSystemBase 'Initialize print tool pt = New ReportPrintTool(reportObject) ps = pt.PrintingSystem 'Hide Parameters Panel before preview ps.SetCommandVisibility(PrintingSystemCommand.Parameters, CommandVisibility.None) ps.SetCommandVisibility(PrintingSystemCommand.SubmitParameters, CommandVisibility.None) pt.ShowPreviewDialog()

      NOTE THAT ps.SetCommandVisibility method is the secret. Remember to set:
      xtraReport.RequestParameters = False
      And set each parameter by code using the following property:
      xtraReport.Parameters.Item("PARAMETER_NAME").Value = PARAMETER_VALUE

      Regards, my firiends.


        Brilliant solution.

        Thanks for sharing,

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